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6-8 Science

Middle School Science

Two students working together to complete a lab report i n science class.Do you want to make your kids curious about the world around them? Here at GUFS, we strive to provide rigorous scientific learning opportunities for students that challenge them to ask questions - and equip them with the tools to answer them on their own. Middle school science at GUFS utilizes the school forest and other field trips to showcase our local geological and biological present and history., so students understand content inside and outside the classroom.

The middle school curriculum focuses on generalized themes in science that cycle through the physical, earth, life sciences and engineering design. Sixth grade is introduced to middle school science through the analysis of key concepts about our world like geology, how energy moves through our world, and the structure and function of our environment. Seventh grade dives deeper into the world of science by analyzing how and why things move through the study of forces and motion, energy and matter, and chemistry. Eighth graders apply their cumulative knowledge toward a high-school level Living Environment class that culminates in a state-wide Regents exam.

Students revisit these major scientific themes multiple times throughout their three year curriculum, with each learning opportunity cultivated to provide students with a new lens. Students apply these concepts through inquiry and project based learning, working both individually and as a team to simulate work in the real world. Students are encouraged to make observations of natural phenomena, ask questions, design controlled experiments, collect and analyze data and communicate their findings through written and spoken language. Students achieve deep learning through continued hands-on activities that allow students to visualize concepts, apply what they know, and practice skills in a new setting!