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K-8 Music and Theater

Music and Theater

Photo of a teacher and two students practicing on a drum snare.The GUFS arts program will provide students with an enriching, creative, educational, and rewarding experience. We strive to instill a life-long desire for learning and achievement through the arts.

  • The goal of the elementary music department is to start or strengthen students’ desires to learn music. Each grade meets once a week to practice different fundamentals to complete tasks. These Tasks often include dancing, singing, composing, or playing games associated with the concepts they are learning. Experiences in music also act as a way to tie in other subjects such as:

    • Song and English
    • Rhythm and Math
    • Sound and Science

    Starting in 3rd Grade students will be reading sheet music through the use of recorders. Towards the end of the year they will also be able to select a band instrument for 4th grade band.

    4th Grade and up will be given more projects involving the use of music programs such as Soundtrap to compose downloadable songs. Even if a student chooses to not be in band they will still learn and hone the skills necessary to complete performance based tasks in general music class.

  • The focus of music study at the middle school level is to build on the fundamental skills learned at the elementary level and work to develop increased technical and musical proficiency.

    Performing ensemble students participate in a class that meets three days per 8-day cycle. Group and individual lessons are offered to all middle school band students.

    Middle School grades study classical, jazz, popular, and world music, and other age-appropriate repertoire. Emphasis is placed on developing musicianship through the study of instrument-specific technique such as proper sound production, articulation, and intonation, as well as general studies in music theory, comprehension, and appreciation. Concert preparation is an integral part of the curriculum, with performances in December and May demonstrating the cumulative nature of the band program. Participation in Nyssma is highly encouraged.

    A school band combo is also offered to advanced 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-grade students via audition or invitation. This ensemble is for students who are already participating in grade-level bands and who welcome an added musical challenge. The Lab Band provides an avenue for greater self-expression through improvisation, while continuing to strengthen skills developed in grade-level ensembles and private lessons. With input and suggestions from students, the repertoire is challenging and varied. There is also an emphasis on collaboration in creating song arrangements and original compositions. Any and all instruments are welcome.

    Course goals:

    • To develop facility in playing a musical instrument while promoting performance skills necessary for independence as a player.
    • To further develop performance skills necessary for solo and ensemble experiences.
    • To identify and respond appropriately to musical notation.
    • To develop an understanding of form and structure in music.
    • To develop a broad knowledge and appreciation of music of many styles.
    • To develop the skill of listening to music.
    • To evaluate performances and exercise discrimination with regard to the quality of composition.
    • To develop attitudes enabling one to continue participating in musical experience throughout life.

    The Middle School General Music curriculum is equally divided between classroom studies and basic guitar instruction. Students learn how to listen to music and analyze. In addition we’ll cover topics such as:

    • Study of Sound Waves (Science of Sound)
    • Music and the Brain (Health and Medical Benefits of Sound/Music)
    • Elements of Music (Rhythm, Dynamics, Pitch, Timbre, Texture and Form)
    • Classifying Music (Study of genres)
    • Music for the Stage (Film, Musical Theater, Opera, Video Games)
    • Careers in Music (Performance, Business, Education, Production)
    • Recording and Production (Composition and Technology)
  • Chorus classes encompass several aspects of music and performance. Chorus members are encouraged to try new things, such as singing a solo, or partner in a small group. They learn how to develop control of their own voices, how to read musical symbols and notation so as to successfully navigate a vocal score, how to sing as an ensemble member (blending), and learn skills in proper performance stance and behavior.

    Chorus classes include:

    • Working together as a team (ensemble), trusting and uplifting each other for the common good, and for their own self-esteem as a good team member and musician.
    • Technical skills are developed to “build their own singing instrument”.
    • Vocal and breath exercises are given, along with a description of the purpose of each exercise. With understanding and control comes confidence.
    • With confidence comes the ability to try new things.
    • Soloing work within an ensemble framework is another skill and level of growth. Each student is given an opportunity to try this, if they wish.
    • Continuing and increasing the students’ love of music and singing with skills, confidence,!
  • The goal of the theater program is to develop an understanding and facilitate an experience of theater and the dramatic arts through creation, performance and discussion.

    At the elementary level we develop structured imaginative play, ensemble building and use of creative terms. Through participatory exercises we explore ways to convey emotion, the use of dramatic language and how to develop and strengthen focus.

    Starting in 4th grade we build on the themes learned at the younger levels to develop the basic performing principles of theater. We explore staging, improvisation and the use of scripted material.

    In 6th through 8th grades the goals are to develop a deeper understanding of acting techniques, character development, story structure, design, and evaluation.