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End of Summer Newsletter

Posted Date: 8/23/24 (2:50 PM)

GUFS Welcome Back Newsletter
2024-2025 School Year Introduction
Principal's Message
Dear Garrison Community,

The Moment You've Been Waiting For!
We know you've been eagerly awaiting this news: the Parent Portal on E-School is now live! You can log in to access your child’s class lists, schedules, and transportation information. We understand this is an exciting time, but it can also bring a few jitters as we gear up for the new school year. Rest assured, we're here to support you and your child every step of the way. If you need assistance with the portal or have questions pertaining to your child’s schedule, please contact Jeremy Hartwick at, and he will be happy to help. Mike Oneto will also assist you if you have any transportation inquiries. He can be reached at or 845-224-8342. 
We encourage you to savor these last few days of summer break. Relax, recharge, and enjoy some quality time with family and friends. We’ll be ready to dive into an incredible year of growth, discovery, and success together when school starts on September 3rd!
With Gratitude,

Allison Emig
Teachers and Class Schedules
Elementary Class Teacher Assignments and Middle School Student Schedules Available NOW!!
You may now login to the Parent Portal (eSchool Data) to view your child's class schedule/Homeroom teacher:

Login Information
Username = your email address
Password (if you do not remember, please click “Forgot Password” to reset) If you need assistance, please email

Information available on the Parent Portal
  • Contact verification **Please update and verify
  • Grades Pre-K-5 - Homeroom teacher
  • Grades 6-8 - Schedules with homeroom teacher and period-by-period course schedule. Middle Schoolers: Please print out your schedule the day before school starts and bring it with you on your first day to refer to.
**As a reminder, please make sure all parent, guardian, and emergency contact information is updated and verified in the Parent Portal. (A notice will indicate when to log on to the Parent Portal! Please contact Krista DiDiego ( with any questions pertaining to individual Middle School schedules).
Transportation Information
School Bus
Bus Schedules available in the Parent Portal in eSD
The transportation department has completed bus schedules for the 24/25 school year and bus stop locations are now posted to the eSD Parent Portal. If your address has changed, or you have specific questions about transportation, please contact Mike Oneto, Transportation Liason ( or 845-224-8342. Please note that bus service is not available for our pre-k students.

Before school starts, you'll receive an email invitation to School Dismissal Manager (SDM). This platform is used to log student absences, late arrivals, and dismissal changes (e.g., after-school activities, playdates, early pick-ups). Please log in to set your child's default dismissal plan (e.g., "Car Pickup"). Changes to dismissal plans must be made by 2 PM daily. If you don't receive the welcome email by the day before school starts, contact Melissa DeFonce at 845-424-3689 x514 or
Pre-K and Kindergarten Meet n’ Greet and Stay n’ Play!
We are excited to invite you to our Pre-K and Kindergarten Meet n’ Greet on August 28th from 2:15 PM to 3:15 PM. This special event is hosted by the Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers, along with the PTA and Mrs. Emig. Our goal is to ensure that our newest GUFS students and their families feel at home at their new school.

For Pre-K Students:
Meet Debbie Earle in the Pre-K classroom. You'll have the chance to meet other families and students and then join friends on the small playground for a treat and some playtime!

For Kindergarten Students:
Meet Stacy Ricci or Kim Katz in the Kindergarten classrooms for a sneak peek. Afterward, students will join friends at the Pavilion for a snack and a bus ride!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Pizza Party
Incoming 6th Grader Locker Set-Up & Pizza Party
Attention 6th-grade Students! On August 29th from 11 AM to 12 PM, join us for your 6th-grade Locker Set-Up and Pizza Party at GUFS. Drop off students at the gym door entrance, where Mrs. DiDiego will meet them in the Middle School hallway. There, students will receive their locker information and can decorate their lockers. This is also a great time to bring in your school supplies.

If you have any questions, please email Krista DiDiego at We look forward to seeing you there!
Crossing Guard
Arrival Procedures
Arrival Time:
  • Buses begin unloading at 8:25 AM.
  • K-8 Drop-Off: 8:25 AM. School day: 8:35 AM - 3:14 PM.
  • Pre-K Drop-Off: 8:30 AM. Modified schedule until December, dismissing at 2:00 PM.

Drop-Off Location:
  • Use the Nelson Lane entrance for all drop-offs. Follow the driveway past the bus garage, circling right.
  • Middle School Students: Drop off in the upper lot; students enter through the gym doors.
  • Elementary School Students: Drop off in the lower lot near the gym; remain in your vehicle while staff assist students.
  • Pre-K Students: Drop off at the Main Entrance starting at 8:30 AM. If you have both Pre-K and K-5 children, drop off all at the Main Entrance.

Students Who Walk to School:
  • Use the crosswalk at St. Philips, assisted by a crossing guard.

Late Drop-Offs:
  • Arrivals after 8:35 AM enter through the main office for a late pass.
School Dismissal Manager Logo
Dismissal Procedures
Pick-Up Location:
  • Use the Nelson Lane entrance.
  • Middle School Students: Pick up in the top parking lot.
  • Elementary Students: Pick up along the connector road.
  • Pre-K Students: Pick up at the gymnasium exit doors at 2:00 PM (1:50 PM arrival for pick-up).

Dismissal Instructions:
  • Follow regular dismissal plans via School Dismissal Manager (bus, car, walking). Default is “bus.” Contact Nurse Melissa DeFonce at to change the default.
  • Enter changes in School Dismissal Manager by 2:00 PM for same-day changes.
Plan ahead and view the complete 24/25 school year calendar HERE.

Our letter days run A through F, starting with September 3rd as an "A" Day and runs every day in alphabetical order on active school days. You may find the letter days on our website.
School Supplies
Back to School Supply Shopping
Drug World in Cold Spring has made it possible to purchase school supplies online. Thank you Drug World! Please follow this link here:

GUFS School supply lists can be found by going to the website, then clicking on the parent dashboard in the menu in the upper right-hand corner, and searching for "school supplies".
Garrison Cougars Logo
Fall Sports Information
In order to be eligible for fall sports, players must have an up-to-date physical on file with Nurse Melissa. Physicals are valid for 12 months. Parents must also fill out the Health History Form (attached to the end of this newsletter) and return it to Nurse Melissa. These can be emailed or dropped off at the start of the school year. Please contact Mr. Beckley with any questions or concerns (

Click the link above to view the game schedule. Once you arrive on the website, click on the "eye" (view schedules) on the right-hand side. Games start towards the end of September, and the season ends in late October. You may also download the Rschool Today App on your phone.
Lunch bag with juice box and sandwich
Lunch and Snack
Students eat their lunch during their lunch period in our school cafeteria. We do not serve lunch daily, so please plan to provide your student with a nutritious lunch brought from home. Microwaves are not accessible for students, so hot lunches must be provided in a thermos. Our 8th Graders provide us with Pizza Fridays, which typically start late in September. Please keep an eye out for future information about pricing. 

Teachers also allow for a snack, so feel free to supplement lunch with a healthy snack. Pre-K students are advised to have a separate bag labeled for "afternoon snack."
No Cell Phone Sign
Cell Phones
Cell phone use is not permitted during the instructional day (8:25am-3:15pm). Cell phones must be stored away in lockers during the school day and must be powered off or in silent mode. The Code of Conduct and Acceptable Use Policies surrounding digital citizenship will be distributed soon. Please read both documents carefully once you've received them. 
Desmond Fish Library Book Sale
The Friends of the Desmond-Fish Public Library look forward to welcoming patrons back for another spectacular year of their annual book sale! This year's selections include a wonderful children's section filled with books for all levels and interests as well as a wonderful assortment of quality books for readers on all subjects. The 2024 sale is definitely worth a visit.
D Fish Library Sale
​The Friends of the Library Want YOU!
Volunteers are needed and welcomed, to assist now with setup and from August 24th to assist with the sale. Please email