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Important Update on Student Cell Phone Use at Our School

Posted Date: 8/29/24 (8:12 AM)

Dear Garrison Parents/Guardians and Staff,

I hope this message finds you well. As the new academic year begins this Tuesday, September 3rd, I am writing to inform you about an important change regarding student cell phone use during the school day.

New Practice: Cell Phone Usage

Starting this academic year, students will still be allowed to bring their cell phones to school. However, a new practice will be in place: all cell phones must be stored in lockers or another staff-designated area and either turned off or silenced during the instructional school day (8:30 AM -3:14 PM). This expectation will be included in our updated code of conduct.

Why This Change?

Recent research has highlighted both the benefits and risks of social media for adolescents. Most students access social media through their cell phones. While social media platforms offer opportunities for connection and communication, excessive use and misuse can negatively impact mental health. Studies have shown that adolescents who spend more than three hours per day on social media are at a higher risk of experiencing depression and anxiety and are more likely to experience academic difficulties. As educators, we recognize the importance of creating a balanced environment that supports student well-being and academic success.

Instructional Technology and Communication

It’s essential to note that every student now has access to a District Chromebook, which is a valuable instructional tool. With this resource readily available, students will not need their personal cell phones for educational purposes during the school day. In fact, having phones in the classroom can distract from the learning process and hinder academic focus.

Communication During School Hours

We understand that parents and guardians may want their child to have a cell phone for communication purposes and safety concerns before and after school. In case of emergencies or urgent messages during the school day, parents are welcome to reach their child by calling the main office. Our staff will promptly relay any necessary information and/or have your child come to the main office to speak with you.

Resources and Further Reading

For those interested in learning more about the impact of cell phones and social media on student well-being, I recommend the following articles:

  1. “Social Media Brings Benefits and Risks to Teens,” by Kirsten Weir. This article discusses the science-backed balance needed when addressing social media use among teens.

  2. “How Social Media Affects Your Teen’s Mental Health: A Parent’s Guide,” by Kathy Katella from Yale Medical Review.  This article outlines the potential benefits and harms of teens using social media.

  3. “Smartphones, Social Media Use, and Youth Mental Health,” Canadian Association Journal Association.  This article explores how Social media can affect adolescents’ self-view and interpersonal relationships through social comparison and negative interactions, including cyberbullying.

Thank you for your cooperation as we implement this new practice.  Together, we can create a positive and focused learning environment for our students.  Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, and we look forward to seeing you next week!

Greg Stowell, D.P.S

Superintendent of Schools

Garrison School District